Tuesday, February 26, 2013

First Steps. . . . . .

     Starting out this year, has become a time of soul searching for me as well as pondering a few things that aren't quite clear.  Mainly, to be more specific, finding the purpose for not only me, in my current state of being, but also everyone else.  What is My purpose and how does it affect others and their purpose?  What is the blueprint for us all? Does the blueprint really matter in the grand scope of things?  I know these questions are quite broad and my train of thought is not laser-focused on any one specific area. 

Last year, I woke up with a major case of anxiety.  I felt compelled to call someone and talk about what was on my mind, what was making me nervously pace the floor of my condo.  I called my aunt because she was one of the only ones who would not think I was necessarily off my rocker and made an imperative appeal.  I said that we are coming into an age of spiritual awakening and next year (this year) was a very pivotal and important time period.  If that time period is directly related to me, only--I'm not sure or will it encompass everyone and OUR journey--the whole--I wasn't sure about that either.  As 2013 started, all I knew and realized was the fact that we are in a new era.  I know this as instinctively as the fact that I know I am female.  It is an innate knowledge that I know we are on the cusp or dawn of a new awareness and this is the time that people should focus not only on the individual but on the collective whole.  I knew it was about my personal journey AND the journey as a collective because it is all connected.  To be more specific, questions such as where do I fit into the picture; what do I need to be doing to progress and what is needed from us constantly ran through my head.  Some people will opt to exit from here; this is not going to be an easy time.  As a matter of fact, a lot of people will opt out of this ride and those that are left will either find an enlightened path or be in an constant flux of instability and confusion.  The basic stronghold beliefs that we use as our safe harbors are going to be shook to their foundations and people are going to to be searching for answers.  I tried to put this in perspective just to prepare myself and see how I was going to deal with the changes.  That is where I am now on my search for answers and that search is taking me beyond myself.  There are things I feel we have to do as a whole.  We have become intolerable, judgmental, hateful, uncaring and selfish.  Fear is now like a virus spreading.  The atmosphere is electric with anxiety at times, a sadness.  I can feel it.  One thing I do know, right now, it is time to change that energy.  It will be as easy as changing our clothes from day to day.  It won't be done by one person.  It has to be done by many.  To get to the current state, it took many people and to change it--it will take just as many.  What we put out--our energy-- can be just as strong as anything we are encountering now.  When I started to think about this, I began to KNOW what my purpose is.  I am here to make a change, one day at a time; one person at a time; one smile at a time; one helping hand at a time; one ear to listen; and even one compliment at a time.  Help everywhere I can and try my best to make a positive, lasting impression on everyone I meet.  If I can do that, then I am contagious.  I know there will be time when I will become overwhelmed and want to go into my shell.  That is my escape mechanism--maybe the latest video game (smiles).  Sometimes it will seem too much for me because I tend to take on the feelings around me be they positive or negative but I also know, just as that virus of negativity spreads, so will my will to love and make things positive.  I feel as if that is the stronger energy because I choose it to be the stronger energy.  I will follow the one universal principle to love.  I don't care how a person comes to this revelation--what path he or she chose to get here, just that they do get here (come to this realization) and when they do--they must act on it.  If I can do that and follow through, everything that I need to do will be revealed and I will have more answers than questions.  All the tools I need will be provided.  What I need to do, I will do.  2012, I sat back and did nothing.  2013 I will actively do and be who I need to be because the universe demands it of me.

     I've met many people, made new friends and have had numerous conversations since January 1, 2013 with a wide variety of people and one thing I noticed, everyone is trying to make sense out of the nonsense.  They want to know if there is a way they can change things and better yet what is the answer.  If the little contributions they have made, really make a difference.  I am proud to say, I believe it does.  If we can make those little contributions all the time, all of us, our journey here will be one of growth and learning.  We won't be so afraid to go into the next stage because with growth  and enlightenment comes the knowing.  I choose to grow more enlightened in 2013 and the way for me to do that is to give of myself to others.  In turn, that will help me to accept things I struggle with at the same time, helping someone else in their struggles.  That is my focus for  2013 and so begins my journey.